  • House Slippers

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  • December 08, 2021 5 min read

    With Christmas 2022 just around the corner, everyone’s wondering what to get for their loved ones. Or just in case they’ve found the perfect gift for everyone, what to get for the people they haven’t yet found something. We’re here to let you know why you should opt for handmade wool products as the perfect holiday gift. 

    Woolen items, especially wool slippers, make for great gifts during the Christmas season because when it’s been warm most of the year, it never seems like the right time to get out your wool items.

    Why Wool Felt Slippers Make Great Holiday Gifts 

    They Have a Unique Appeal 

    For starters, gifts made of wool, like sweaters, hats, and scarves, have a unique appeal to them. Think about it – whenever you see someone wearing a wool item that seems handmade, you automatically assume that it’s a gift from someone who cares about them. 

    You can be that loving relative or friend by giving a pair of cozy wool slippers as a gift this Christmas. 

    They Look Adorable 

    In case your family enjoys taking Christmas photos every year, wool slippers are a great idea. Maybe you think of wool slippers as homely, but today you can find many options that are stylish and attractive. So now you can not only have toasty warm feet, but also look great at the same time.

    This year, your family and friends can look super comfortable in Christmas pictures with their soft, wool slippers. Also, let’s not forget that you can also get wool slippers that match with pajamas, so now your family has a matching set for Christmas. 

    Wool Felt Slippers are Great at Home 

    Love sliding on the wooden floors with your socks on? Who doesn’t? But when it’s too cold to do that, wool slippers work great! But childhood shenanigans aside, wool felt slippers are the ideal show for wearing inside the home. Firstly, they’re very quiet, so you don’t have to worry about sneaking downstairs to the kitchen and waking everyone with the tapping sounds from your slippers. Secondly, they don’t leave a mark on your floors either. 

    Feel Great on Cold Days Indoors

    Wool slippers are great for one major reason; they’re super warm! Do you ever come back from outside on a cold day and feel like keeping your shoes on because they’re warm? You can get that feeling with wool slippers; wool is a natural insulator that preserves heat, and it’s breathable too, so you don’t get sweaty feet. So now, your loved ones can say bye-bye to sweaty feet that make them take off their usual slippers, exposing them to the harsh cold. 

    You Can Match with Everyone 

    The idea of wearing matching clothes as your entire family isn’t the most appealing thought at any family gathering, but on Christmas day, it doesn’t sound like a bad idea. In fact, everyone likes to gather up wearing their matching Christmas pajamas. What better way to celebrate the yearly ritual than with matching pairs of wool slippers for everyone? It’ll make for a dorky picture, but an awesome memory. 

    They Don’t Wear Out Easily 

    Unlike other gifts that come handy in daily use, wool slippers don’t wear out very easily. Wool slippers are fairly low maintenance, which makes them easy to clean. Not to mention, their soft, wool make-up is what makes them convenient to store away once winter ends and spring comes around. 

    They’re Environmentally Friendly 

    Think about the different kinds of slippers that people wear at home – chances are that most of the ones you find at the store are made up of synthetic materials. These fibers are difficult to break down and recycle, so most of them end up in the landfill. Wool slippers, on the other hand, are made from pure wool and have leather soles. This makes them an environmentally friendly gift, which is great if your loved one is conscious about their impact on the environment. 

    They’ll Get Plenty of Time to Wear Them During the Holidays 

    Think about this; your family still has to spend almost a week at home, and what better way to get comfortable than with wool slippers to move you around the house? After all, you don’t want your loved ones to walk around the house with cold feet, right? 

    They’re Quite Possibly The Best Slippers Ever 

    Forget about all the other slippers you’ve ever worn because no matter how comfortable they feel at first, they end up getting lumpy. In fact, they’re almost never able to retain their shape. On the other hand, wool slippers mold themselves to the shape of your feet, allowing for a much more comfortable fit than any other slipper. 

    You Can Get Them Customized 

    Sure, the above-mentioned reasons are enough for anyone to want to buy their loved ones wool slippers for Christmas, but what about one-of-a-kind customization? That’s right – most wool slippers are handmade on family farms, so when you order them, you can get them customized with your loved ones’ favorite colors, name, or a print that they’d like. 

    Wool Christmas Gift Ideas 

    Of course, this doesn’t mean that you can’t give any other wool items as a gift. You can always pair wool slippers with other cozy items, as well. Here are a few good ideas. 


    For starters, you can gift your loved ones a pair of pajamas and matching wool slippers so they can feel cozy all winter long. 

    Christmas Sweater

    If pajamas aren’t their thing, you can always gift them a funky Christmas sweater along with wool slippers. Now, they can look excited for Christmas, and keep their feet warm at the same time. 

    Wool Scarf 

    If you want to tone it down with the Christmas-y themed gifts like sweaters and pajamas, why not opt for a wool scarf to go along with wool slippers. You may think that nobody would wear slippers with a wool scarf, but many people get cold necks and a nice wool scarf will help keep you warm from head to toe!

    Wool Hat 

    Speaking of your head, you can also gift your friends or family a wool hat along with some customized wool slippers. Wool hats are great gifts as they keep you warm even when wet.

    These are some of the reasons why wool slippers make the perfect gift for your friends or family this Christmas. They might not be the most luxurious gift on the list, but they’re a thoughtful gift, and that’s what counts.
